The importance of cleanliness for health in the office

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There are several reasons it is important to work for a company that has a regular housekeeping service. The first, and not the least, is the prevention of the transmission of infectious diseases, viruses, or any other transmissible diseases by direct contact.

Indeed, it is not uncommon to hear that the flu, a cold, or a gastro has made the rounds of the office that we have transmitted it from one employee to another. Within a few days or weeks.

Cleanliness and health are closely related. It is something that most of the population knows because of the well-known and necessary disinfection by COVID-19. The daily cleaning of the home benefits our health in many more aspects than avoiding contracting viral diseases. Here’s how.

Why cleaning is beneficial for health

Without becoming obsessive about cleanliness, keeping the house free of dirt is beneficial.

1. Avoid Allergies

Cleaning can make allergies last less, reduce their severity, and even prevent them together for three reasons:–Reduces dust
Accumulation, where dust mites are found in those with dust allergies. – Avoid pollen that enters through the windows during the flowering season, usually spring.–Avoid fungi. There are many people allergic to fungi or humidity, which manifests itself in a similar way to the other two allergies, with the particularity that it only appears inside the house or in a place where the fungi have developed Guest posting sites.

Thus, it is always advisable to remove the dust, vacuum, and monitor the condition of the walls and pipes to prevent the formation of moisture.

2. Avoid diseases transmitted by viruses, bacteria, and fungi

Products such as alcohol or bleach effectively eliminate these microorganisms without being harmful to people. Even if no one is sick at home, we must not forget that, when they get home, they also carry germs from abroad that remain on their clothes and skin, which can affect their defenses at a time when their defenses are weak. Food can also contain them. Viruses and bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella must be prevented from proliferating in the kitchen and could affect food.

3. Avoid the appearance of pests

Insects usually take refuge in dusty environments or with organic debris, such as food or hair. Depending on the area, different insects can enter the home or workplace and nest if they find it a suitable place for them. Regular cleaning keeps them away and also helps detect these pests. However, if the infestation has already set in, cleaning may no longer help and it may be necessary to call in a professional.

4. Encourage cooking and relaxation

Cooking in a place where it is unknown if it is clean is not the same as cooking in a spotless place with a pleasant smell. Neither is relaxing on the couch, reading a good book, taking a shower, or sleeping. So cleaning brings a quality of life in the physical and mental aspects. In addition, the order also brings serenity and concentration.

5. Avoid domestic accidents

Clutter, obstacles, and dirt can aid in the spread of a fire and make escape difficult if one occurs. Also, not keeping order increases the probability of injuries because of falls, trips, etc.

6. Helps detect pests and humidity

Constant cleaning helps to detect these problems in time so that we can eradicate them without investing large sums of money and effort before they cause greater damage.

Why choose to clean services?

Having a clean home or business is not just about having shiny surfaces and objects in order. It is necessary to clean and disinfect surfaces with different products and with periodicity. This is not always possible with the current pace of life, so it is worth investing a little in a cleaning service, such as SCS Group Cleaning Solution which guarantees the cleanliness and health of the spaces that are frequented every day so that they are healthy and productive.
The importance of cleanliness for health

Cleanliness and health are closely related. It is something that most of the population knows because of the well-known and necessary disinfection by COVID-19. The daily cleaning of the home benefits our health in many more aspects than avoiding contracting viral diseases. Here’s how.

Indeed, cleanliness is a subject that affects several spheres of our lives and our daily lives. To deny that it is unnecessary is impossible. Having a housekeeping service in a company is an investment in the health of employees and in the company’s image.

If you have questions related to our housekeeping services or if you want to take care of your business with an efficient and environmentally conscious company, contact us or send us your request. It is with pleasure that we can help you by answering your request and your questions.

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